The kids are gone…Now what?

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new Empty Nester

So your child has left the nest?  You no doubt have a plethora of emotions ranging from grief to relief.  There’s a lot to navigate, but we’re here to help. 

basic life skills

Laundry Essentials for the Dorm

Laundry is an essential task for college students living in dormitories. To make the process easier and more efficient, there are a few laundry essentials that every college student should have.

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moving in

Moving Day. Tips and Tricks.

Moving day can be overwhelming, but there are ways to make it go smoothly. First, make a plan and stick to it. Start packing well in advance, labeling everything clearly, and decluttering as you go.

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captain's corner

self proclaimed un-official emotional support dog

I was just a puppy when my brother was a senior in High School.  He has em-barked on this journey called “College”, but I’ve had some adventures myself.

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